Friday, March 4, 2011

Why did it have to be so nice outside on such a scary day? I would have given anything to be doing something outside rather than waiting in the surgical waiting room all day.

This morning we had to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM for the surgery. I tried so hard to get Trevor to let me crawl in bed next to him, but he was having none of it. Jerk!

The brain surgery went well. Trevor has officially survived 6 brain surgeries. The good news is he's a cat with 9 lives. The bad news is he only has 3 left.

It's not exactly a good feeling seeing him with, yet again, more tubes and wires connected to him. Oxygen, two IV's and a catheter.

He's really stable and responsive. So far so good! Although, he did have pinkish urine. The nurse literally said she would text the doctor to see if she could take out the catheter. I had no idea that nurses and doctors were on texting terms. Oh, technology!

Trevor has been really sleepy. He looks a bit like an oompa loompa with all the iodine antiseptic stains from surgery.

All day, he's been saying "no" and "nope" a ton. I hope that doesn't mean he's in pain. He doesn't really seem like he's in pain, but has no way of communicating it to us. He's definitely grunting a lot. I heard him yell for the first time since the accident today. He yelled "No no no no no," similar to a really frustrated kid in their terrible two's, or terrible twenty-two's in this case...

He's going to have a drain in his head and swelling for the next few days. The staples will be left in for a couple weeks. Yup, he's gunna be just fine!

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa:

    Can we send Trevor a card? If so what is the address?

    Thank you,

