Monday, March 7, 2011

The past couple days have been downright depressing. Trevor has been really bummed out, to the point that we have even seen a few tears run down his face. I feel like he's starting to understand what's going on and come to the realization that things might be different this time. Man is he pissed!

Therapy has been put off until tomorrow so Trevor can recover from the surgery. There's not a whole lot to update on.

He has gotten so skinny it's disturbing. A few days ago, the nurse weighed him at 45 kg, which is about 100 pounds. I don't know if that's completely accurate, but I believe it. Those Rhoda chicken legs have come to a whole new level.

Trevor's brain drain is now removed. The process of getting out was pretty intense, but it's out nonetheless. Apparently there was a whole lot of blood, gauze and pain to the point that the doctors were even a bit concerned. However, he seems to be fine now, so it's all good.

Yup, my family is definitely broken. There was family feuds left and right during the past couple days. Tragedies unarguably bring out the best and worst of people and in this case, we've seen a bit of both. During the middle of a little tiff between an unnamed family member and myself, Trevor tried to get up and leave. He had enough and I don't blame him one bit.

So, my friend Megan took him on an adventure through the hospital. They went to the cafeteria to get ice cream. Megan asked Trevor if he wanted banana ice cream and he said yes. She gave it to him and he reached for another cup and pointed to the raspberry ice cream. Guess he just wanted a little sample of both! Trevor was really excited to go through pictures on her phone. She showed him a picture of some of us in South Haven this summer. She pointed to Goost and he apparently laughed at Goost's face for a long time. Understandable. Then she pointed to me and asked Trevor if he knew who I was. He said "Lyssa." I'm not even going to pretend I'm not stoked on that one. They went through a few more pictures and stopped at one of Megan and I on a ferris wheel. Megan asked him if he knew what we were riding on, and he said "I dunno, Payton?" Whatever, still a new word!!

One last thing. Trevor gets REALLY bored between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 ish PM. He hasn't had any friends visit in probably 5 days, so please come visit. You don't need to check in with us beforehand, just come! I know it's awkward and I know it's hard to come up with things to say, but it means a lot to him and to us. Bring a movie or something. You honestly don't even have to talk to him, just sit in there and show some support. We're in room 2613.


  1. Hang in there Alyssa, it seems like you guys have reached the peak and it's all downhill (in a good way, like snowboarding) from here. I wish we could come visit sooooo bad. I'm gonna go get a lottery ticket tiday. Depending on the outcome we might see you guys tomorrow! Much love from the Thommen house!

  2. Oh Alyssa, I only wish there was something that I could do for Trevor and the whole family. The thought of Trevor's tears really makes me sad! I don't know if Trevor knows this but Ben's been in Chicago for the past 5 days with work and is coming home Wednesday night! I'm sure he'll come to visit Trevor soon! Please tell him I said "hello", and a get well wish, hug & kiss for me!!
