Vitals are stable
The respiratory therapist is lowering the oxygen from Trevor's ventilator. He is trying to reduce it to 8 so the vent can be taken out completely, as long as Trevor is showing signs of consciousness. Was at 15, turned down to 13.
Doctor says Trevor is in a "light coma" but showing signs of consciousness. When he tracks his eyes that means he is aware. His eyelids are moving around a little and he can lift his head up a good 6 inches.
It took FOUR guys to figure out how to put the electrode that fell out of his head back in. Well, 3 guys, 1 chick... For real?
2:30 PM-
Nurse opened Trevor's eyes to check whether or not he can track things. My mom tried to get him to look at her but of course he was too stubborn to do so. He's a "grown-ass man," he doesn't have to look at his mother when she speaks to him. I don't know if it's just because I'm loud or because he was trying to prove a point (even in a coma), but he looked directly at me when I said his name, which is huge!
Every time the nurse or doctors pinch him or give him a "titty-twister," he kicks his left leg and left arm, but there is no movement of his right limbs. Sometimes he even opens his eyes a little.
He tried kicking his left circulatory leg cuff off, which is a good sign because he's always hated sleeping with socks on. He also scratched his left palm with the fingers of that hand. Now if he would just move his damn right side!!
He keeps fondling his dress... Probably pissed because he's a man and men don't wear dresses.
3:00 PM-
The Asian doctor came in and asked Trevor to move his hand. Of course he's not going to move his hand; she doesn't even speak English. Last time around, just a few days out of the coma, an Asian physical therapist came in to talk to him. When she was leaving, he said something along the lines of "Get that Mexican out of here; I don't even know what she's saying to me."
4:00 PM-
This morning, the respiratory therapist, Thomas, said Trevor had really good blood gas (something to do with oxygen and breathing). Now, he said he is going to add a longer push of air every 6 breaths for 10 minutes every 4 hours (whatever that means) because Trevor now has bad blood gas. Speaking of which... he has really bad anal gas too!
It's crazy how excited we get over the littlest things now... definitely shows the everyday things we take for granted. Tons of new little hopes and joys being thrown at us!
Visitors today: Austin Stevens, Megan Dennehy, Claire Gartrell, Ian Colwell, Justin Allen, Brad Greenwell and Emily Coffman
ATTENTION: Please, nobody bring us any more delicious, fattening treats. You have no idea how much weight I gained last time and I'm trying not to get to big-girl status again!! During tragic times, people either don't eat or don't stop eating, and unfortunately I am the second.
Also, I didn't post any pictures of Trevor on here because I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. If you wish to see them, let me know!
Lastly, if you're thinking about going into medicine, make sure you're really good at pinching because that's all I've seen the doctors actually do today. Trevor literally has bruises from them.
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