Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trevor got moved from the NAC to inpatient rehab. Back to the little, tiny, outdated room for us! All of the therapists are really impressed with Trevor's progress, which is fantastic!

During physical therapy, they connected him to this crazy trapeze-like harness to hold him up so that he could walk on the treadmill. They had it at 1.4 miles per hour. Walker had to hold his right arm down and the therapist had to move his right leg for him. But he was movin' that left leg and arm on his own! After just a few minutes of this, he was sweaty, out-of-breath, and looked a little vomitosis (a word founded by the one and only Tammie E. Walker).

During speech therapy, the therapist set out a few objects. She would tell Trevor to grab the spoon or grab the block, but he couldn't. He's still having a really hard time following basic commands. No bueno!

She then had Trevor finish some phrases. She said, "Cream and __?" Trevor responded with "jelly." And then "jelly" got stuck in his head and he kept saying it the rest of the session.

Trevor keeps doing this thing where he suddenly jerks his head over to look at me, gives me a death-stare for a few seconds, looks back forward trying not to laugh for as long as he possibly can, and then cracks up. I don't know if this is his way of making a joke or him being temporarily possessed by Satan, but it's pretty hilarious nonetheless.

Walker: "Trevor do you want me to rub lotion on your feet?"
Walker: "I'll take that nope as a nope."
...Walker says the darnedest things!

Okay, so just to compare this accident to the one Trevor experienced last year... On this day of the first accident, we had Trevor's birthday/ coming home party. It was the day after he got discharged from Mary Freebed Rehab Hospital. At this point he was saying complete sentences and walking on his own. He would sit on the recliner in the living room and ask for bowl after bowl of green olives. Today, he doesn't even know what his name is and apparently won't be discharged until April 5th at the very earliest (I have no idea where that date came from). Yup, I'm over this rodeo. Someone rewind my life 10 months, oh please!

Also, huge thanks to the visitors that came tonight. Keep it up and keep 'em coming!

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