I'm not even going to pretend like I was around for the rest of therapy today but from what it sounds like, it went really well.
If any of you think you have the best friend in the world, you might want to think again. My friend Megan came to the hospital bearing cupcakes for Trevor's pre-surgery party. Ain't she the best? Trevor was super bummed all day, but some strawberry shortcake definitely helped lighten his mood.
All I can do as I sit here watching Trevor sleep, on the night before the infamous sixth brain surgery, is worry. What if something goes wrong? What if it's too early? What if his brain is too fragile and unstable? What if he can't handle any more probing and poking? What if this plate causes him as much pain as the last one did? What if he digresses completely? What if he is no longer responsive? What if, what if, what if?
The therapists held up a few different flash cards with words written on them, and Trevor was able to read most of them. The brain blows my mind. It is so bizarre to me that Trevor would be able to read words but not be able to name pictures. But hey, I'm not complaining.
The speech therapist taught Trevor a new trick. He taught him how to ask "How are you?." They were all really proud and when Trevor got out of the session, they told him to ask my mom the question he had learned. However, instead of asking "How are you?," he asked "How much are you, Mother?"
Note: if you double-click this picture, you will be able to see the whipped cream all up in Trevor's beard.
You know how every baby ends up with frosting all over their face during their first birthday party? Yeah, this pre-surgery party could definitely be confused for Trevor's first birthday party. Except for the fact that he's a hairy grown-ass man.
Honestly, I think Trevor's worried too. All day, he has seemed really bummed. He knows he's going in for surgery tomorrow. He knows that none of his friends have come to visit. Anytime anybody has asked him a question all day, he has responded with "nope". What if this "nope" wasn't him answering the questions. What if this "nope" meant that nope, he doesn't want to go through with the surgery, or "nope" he doesn't want a plate in his head that gives him headaches everyday?
I don't want to see my brother go through any more pain. I am so sick of looking into his eyes and seeing discomfort. It's like he constantly wants to tell us something, something he needs or that something is hurting, but has no way of communicating what it is.
I hate this.
good luck trev!